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Williams Entertainment Company: A Brief History

     2000 - Williams Entertainment Company, the brain child of Vinita, Oklahoma native Kittye Williams, was born.


     Fall 2004 - The Ladies of the Salty Kiss officially launched at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival - the first all female, comedy privateer crew.


     2010 - Ms. Williams and her co-actress, Mrs. Pamala Williams were given the struggling Joplin Keltoi Renaissance Festival that they relaunched as The Missouri Renaissance Festival; enjoying a single successful season.


     2011 - The Shanty Lasses were created & launched, singing duo comprised of both Williams' singing Celtic, ren faire, and original songs.


     2014 - The Shanty Lasses evolved into a trio and was renamed Native Souls.


     May 2015 -  Native Souls saw the addition of more musicians and a Rom encampment to provide educational awareness of the Rom culture.

     March 2015 - Kittye launched the 1st ever Grand Lake Renaissance Festival in cooperation with local diner, Bobbers Cafe, setting the Festival in 1540 Queensferry, Scotland.


     Spring 2018 - Internal restructuring occurred resulting in new cast for GLRF and new faces for Native Souls.    


     Summer 2019 - Federal Not-For-Profit Status obtained for parent company, Williams Entertainment Company and subsequently all its subsidiary entities.

     2023 - Excitement builds as GLRF returns to its roots & hometown of Vinita, Oklahoma; come out and meet the "Triple Crown" of Queensferry, Scotland!

     GLRF is the only locally (Vinita and Grand Lake Nation) owned, operated, and supported Renaissance Festival!

Yours in Service to the Dream -

Kittye Williams, Pamala Williams, & The Cast & Crew of GLRF



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